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It is curious that former NFL players have come out of the woodwork complaining of permanent brain injuries suffered playing professional football.These professional athletes who participate in the most brutal of all sports cannot truly argue that they were unaware of the dangers of playing the game. There is not a single player drafted out of college with a multi-million dollar contract that would have chosen not to play football and give up the money. Anyone that has recently seen video of boxer Muhammed Ali knows of the detrimental effect of being repeatedly struck about the head.
Beyond head injuries it is a known fact that the bulk of NFL players look forward to a retirement with permanently damaged joints and the resulting traumatic arthritis. NFL teams are currently decimated with player injuries many of which will end their careers.
We all make choices in life including these football players. I personally avoided playing football knowing what a beating I would suffer on a weekly basis. Let's all be responsible for our own conduct.
Your article was way ahead of its time